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Offers unbundled legal services (pay only for the legal services you need) in family law cases.
Provides legal services in a variety of legal areas at below-market rates to low-income families and individuals.
Provides legal services in family law cases at below-market rates for low to moderate income households.
Offers free brief legal advice (10-15 minutes) from volunteer lawyers in a variety of legal areas.
Offers free and below-market rate legal services in family law cases and in cases involving misdemeanor criminal charges.
Provides below-market rate legal services for low-income individuals for trial-level criminal cases, juvenile delinquencies, and some other children's court matters.
Provides below-market rate immigration legal services to low- and no-income immigrants and refugees.
Links children and families, particularly those with special needs, to health care benefits and services.
Offers an appointment based free legal clinic where individuals meet with experienced immigration lawyers on their immigration questions.
Offers brief legal advice (20 minutes) from a volunteer attorney for individuals who have already accessed the Fond du Lac Pro Se Legal Clinic but are in need of additional help.

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