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If you don't live in Wisconsin but you do have a legal issue in Wisconsin, enter 00000 for zip code and continue with this form. If you don't live in Wisconsin and your legal issue is not in Wisconsin, this form may not be the right place for you to find legal help. Try looking your location up on
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Unrecognized Zip code.
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This is a required field.
How many people in your house (including you)?
The number of people in your household is the total count of everyone living at your address who helps with money for bills and expenses, like adults, plus those who rely on the adults in the home for support, like children and extended family.
Do include: spouses and partners, children, grandchildren, extended family.
Don't include: roommates, anyone who isn't living with you on a regular basis.
This is a required field.
What is your household income?
Include the gross income (before taxes) of each person in your household, unless they are the opposing party (for example, in a divorce or protection order case).
We ask about income to find the best legal service options for you. Most free and low cost services we find will ask you for proof of income. Not all services use income to decide who to help.
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This is a required number field.
This is a number field.
This is a number field.