Low Cost Legal Services ($)

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Representation & Advice offered at lower-than-normal rates

Helps local immigrants find their best legal options.
Provides culturally relevant legal representation to meet your family law, protection orders and immigration needs.
Assists people whose income is too high to qualify for free legal services, but too low to pay a lawyer's standard rate.
Provides legal services in a variety of legal areas at below-market rates to low-income families and individuals.
Provides legal services in family law cases at below-market rates for low to moderate income households.
Offers free and below-market rate legal services in family law cases and in cases involving misdemeanor criminal charges.
Provides below-market rate legal services for low-income individuals for trial-level criminal cases, juvenile delinquencies, and some other children's court matters.
Provides below-market rate immigration legal services to low- and no-income immigrants and refugees.
Links children and families, particularly those with special needs, to health care benefits and services.
Specializes in providing reduced-cost legal help in workers' rights and immigration matters.

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