Center Against Sexual & Domestic Abuse
With two attorneys on staff, the Center Against Sexual & Domestic Abuse (CASDA) offers criminal justice support, legal advocacy and advice, assistance with restraining orders, court representation for victims of abuse, assistance with family and civil law actions, and legal representation of low-income clients for family law actions.
Legal Topics Covered
- Marriage
- Child Support
- Custody & Placement
- Parental Rights & Paternity
- Safety
- Bankruptcy
- Victim's Rights
Fees are generally on a sliding scale based on income. Some services are free.
Language(s) Spoken
Types of Service
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Click hereGeneral Contact Information
Other Hours
Crisis line and shelter open 24 hours a day/7 days a week
How to Get Service
Call to speak with an advocate to determine eligibility and availability of legal resources or click on the Apply Now button below to fill out and submit a help request, and someone from CASDA will contact you as soon as they are able.
Ashland and Bayfield residents can also call (715) 209-6917 during business hours.
Other Eligibility
Income < 125% of the federal poverty level; no income limit for help with Temporary Restraining Order.
You must be:
- a survivor of domestic violence or sexual assault, or
- a victim of a crime related to your legal issue, or
- the guardian of a child who has experienced child abuse (and the legal issue is related to the abuse).