Disability Rights Wisconsin - Madison
Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) is a nonprofit organization that provides legal advocacy and rights protection for adults and children with disabilities. DRW provides this through information & referrals, technical assistance, mediation, representation and systemic work. Disability related issues we may be able to help with include civil rights violations, abuse and neglect, institutionalization, inability to access community-based services, access to free and appropriate education and victim support.
Legal Topics Covered
- Marriage
- Custody & Placement
- Parental Rights & Paternity
- Safety
- Foster Care & Kinship Care
- Manufactured Homes
- Public & Subsidized Housing
- Other Housing Issues
- Education Issues for Native Americans
- Native American Crime Victims
- Health/Medical Benefits
- Disabilities & Special Education
- Discipline, Expulsion or Suspension
- Discrimination & Rights around Education
- Workers' Rights
- Discrimination & Abuse
- Discrimination - public accommodation
- Mental Health Rights
- Voting Rights
- Victim's Rights
Counties Served
Language(s) Spoken
Types of Service
If you work at this organization and want to update this information
Click hereGeneral Contact Information
How to Get Service
To find out if DRW can help with your situation, please contact them in one of the following ways:
Telephone (toll free): 800-928-8778
DRW Voter Hotline: 844-347-8683
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit Helpline: 800-926-4862
Online: https://disabilityrightswi.org/how-to-get-help/
Email to: info@drwi.org
Mail a letter to:
Disability Rights Wisconsin, ATTN: Intake; 1502 West Broadway, Suite 201; Madison, WI 53713
When contacting DRW by email or postal mail, please include:
- your name
- your contact information
- preferred method of contact (phone, email or letter)
- who you are contacting DRW about (yourself, family member, or other)
- what city/town or county the person with a disability lives in
- a brief description about your concern or issue that you are requesting help for
Other Eligibility
- Must have a disability (or guardian of child with disability).
- For housing legal services - legal issue must be clearly related to disability.
- For family law services, must be survivor of domestic violence or victim of crime related to legal issue.
- Public benefits - issues related to SSI managed care Medicaid HMO or Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit. Familycare & IRIS ombudsman for people under 60 years old.