Ozaukee County Veterans Service Office
The Ozaukee County Veterans Service Office (CVSO) serves Ozaukee County veterans and their families by informing them of and assisting them in obtaining the federal, state and local benefits they have earned. The CVSO informs veterans of various benefits and the specific eligibility criteria for each. They assist veterans in completing benefit applications and in compiling the supporting documentation necessary for successful adjudication of each claim.
All VA-accredited representatives are authorized to provide help with VA benefit claims to Veterans and service members, as well as their dependents and survivors. An accredited VSO representative can help you gather evidence, file a claim, or request a decision review. And they can communicate with the VA on your behalf.
Legal Topics Covered
- Benefits available to Veterans & Servicemembers
- Food and Money Benefits
- Health/Medical Benefits
- Housing Benefits
- Other Public Benefits Issues
- Utilities, Energy & Heating Benefits
- Paying for Education
- Active Duty Claims
- Discharge from Military
- Estate Planning for Military
- Legal Protections for Veterans & Servicemembers
- Other Veteran & Military Issues
- Public Benefits for Veterans & Servicemembers
- Healthcare
- Other Disability & Death Planning Issues
Counties Served
Language(s) Spoken
Types of Service
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How to Get Service
Walk-ins are welcome and you are also able to call by phone