Benefits Service - Oneida
The Benefits Service provides information, assistance and administrative representation to Oneida tribal enrolled elders aged 55+ that reside within the Oneida Reservation boundaries. Additionally, this paraprofessional performs a variety of duties relating to public benefits for elders and coordinates with other county, community, tribal and governmental agencies under the direction of the Regional Legal Assistance office.
Provides assistance with forms: Medical Assistance, Energy Assistance, and Community Support/Catastrophic application processing. Provide referrals for estate planning such as Last Will and Testament, Living Will, Durable Power of attorney for Health Care, and Durable Power of Attorney for Finances. Assists elders with setting up of Burial Account-information.
Legal Topics Covered
- Public Benefits for Native Americans
- Benefits available to Native Americans
- Food and Money Benefits
- Health/Medical Benefits
- Housing Benefits
- Other Public Benefits Issues
- Social Security
- Utilities, Energy & Heating Benefits
- Advance Directives/Powers of Attorney
- Healthcare
- Other Disability & Death Planning Issues
- Wills & Probate
Language(s) Spoken
Types of Service
If you work at this organization and want to update this information
Click hereGeneral Contact Information
Office Location:
Oneida Elder Services
2907 S. Overland Road
Oneida, WI 54155
United States
Other Eligibility
You can see a Tribal Elder Benefit Specialist if you:
- Are an enrolled member of the Tribe
- Live within the Oneida Reservation boundaries
- Are 55+ years old