Vivent Health
Unfortunately, stigma and discrimination are still common barriers to health for people living with HIV. If you are a person living with HIV who has been discriminated against or denied employment, housing, health care, health insurance and government assistance such as SSI, Vivent Health has a team of attorneys available for you. If you have ever had your HIV status disclosed without your permission, or your privacy or confidentiality broken, you can speak with a lawyer at Vivent Health about it today. We can help you determine the next best steps in your situation. Our compassionate and committed attorneys are available to discuss your options. Consultations are always free and confidential. In addition to protecting your rights, the Vivent Health legal services team can help make sure all your HIV and health-related legal needs are being met.
The following HIV legal aid services are currently available in Colorado, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
- Power of attorney for health care/advance directives Legal experts can help you prepare a document that appoints someone you trust to be your health care agent in the event you are unable to make your own health care decisions due to severe illness.
- Estate planning The preparation of tasks that serve to manage an individual’s asset base in the event of their incapacitation or death. Planning includes the bequest of assets to heirs and the settlement of estate taxes.
- Landlord and tenant dispute resolution Landlord and tenant issues can occur at any stage in the rental process. Our legal services can help you get a fair resolution.
- Name and Gender Marker Change We offer assistance with changing your legal name and/or correcting your gender marker on official documents. This process allows transgender and gender non-conforming individuals to obtain birth certificates, identification documents, and other official records that reflect their preferred name and gender identities.
Legal services at Vivent Health are dedicated to making sure you are treated fairly and your rights are protected.